01 |
onsdag 01/01
torsdag 02/01
fredag 03/01
✨ Another Year of Stellar Events
If you are reading this entry, then your subscription to Canton Becker’s Moon and Astronomical Events calendar is working properly. Your calendar should now show special events through to the end of 2025, and moon phases all the way through to 2027.
This year’s skies look AWESOME. January features all kinds of planetary mischief. (Read the notes for the upcoming full moon in particular…)
March promises a total lunar eclipse that at least half the world can watch. The end-of-the-year meteor showers are unusually dark, with new moons hitting in all the right places.
As this calendar enters its 18th year of publication, a special thanks to everyone who sent in suggestions, corrections, or donations. Hopefully every donor has received a personal thank you (and free stickers, if you asked for them.)
As always, please contact me if you see any mistakes, omissions, or if you would like to see the exact *time* of each moon phase return in some way.
lørdag 04/01
Earth at Perihelion
Earth at Perihelion refers to the point in Earth’s orbit where it is nearest from the Sun, a phenomenon that occurs annually. During perihelion, Earth will be at its minimum distance from the Sun, which slightly intensifies the sunlight received but has a minimal impact on global temperatures due to Earth’s axial tilt, which creates seasonal variations. This event coincides with winter in the Northern Hemisphere and summer in the Southern Hemisphere.
14:30 – 17:30
Maria og Andreas Tanges fødselsdagsfest i Den Gamle Smedje
søndag 05/01
02 |
mandag 06/01
vegy ret og brød
20:00 – 21:30
🧘 Ashtanga Yoga
tirsdag 07/01
tyndsteg med grønt/sauce
🇩🇰 Andreas Tange
🇩🇰 Signe Dicte Thomsen
🌓 First Quarter Moon
onsdag 08/01
torsdag 09/01
fredag 10/01
Venus, the Evening Star
Is that a plane landing in the western sky, just after sunset? No, it’s Venus at its greatest elongation (farthest from the Sun and less washed out.)
Did you know that Venus has phases, like our moon? Only you can never perceive a Full Venus, because that happens when Venus is on the far side of the Sun.
lørdag 11/01
søndag 12/01
gl. smedje booket - Svanholmer
03 |
mandag 13/01
vegy ret og brød
20:00 – 21:30
🧘 Ashtanga Yoga
🌕 Full Wolf Moon Devours Mars
A super special full moon for those of you lucky enough to watch it from the Americas. At 9:21 PM Eastern Time, the moon will slide in front of incredibly bright mars, hiding it. Mars will return on the other side about an hour later.
Why a Wolf Moon? As creatures well-adapted to winter conditions, wolves are often observed howling during the crisp, cold months – a behavior that is thought to reflect excitement and contentment with the wintry landscape.
tirsdag 14/01
onsdag 15/01
onsdag 15/01 – torsdag 16/01 MARS ATTACKS! Red Mars has been glowing bright these past few weeks, and now it’s finally at opposition where the Sun, Earth and Mars will all be in a perfect line. This only happens every 26 months, so get out there to watch it rise in the east as the sun sets in the west. Mars will be visible nearly all night long.
torsdag 16/01
onsdag 15/01 – torsdag 16/01 MARS ATTACKS! Red Mars has been glowing bright these past few weeks, and now it’s finally at opposition where the Sun, Earth and Mars will all be in a perfect line. This only happens every 26 months, so get out there to watch it rise in the east as the sun sets in the west. Mars will be visible nearly all night long.
kartofler porre suppe med toppings
fredag 17/01
Venus and Saturn Conjunction
fredag 17/01 – lørdag 18/01 Venus and Saturn Conjunction On the early evenings of January 17 and 18, about 90 minutes after sunset, watch as Venus and Saturn meet up just two degrees apart (about a finger widths’ distance)
gronne lasagne
🇩🇰 Lea Fromberg Mannov Juhl
lørdag 18/01
Venus and Saturn Conjunction
fredag 17/01 – lørdag 18/01 Venus and Saturn Conjunction On the early evenings of January 17 and 18, about 90 minutes after sunset, watch as Venus and Saturn meet up just two degrees apart (about a finger widths’ distance)
lynstegt okse med gront
søndag 19/01
04 |
mandag 20/01
vegy ret og brød
20:00 – 21:30
🧘 Ashtanga Yoga
tirsdag 21/01
🇩🇰 Anne Jensen
🇩🇰 Dennis Agner Sørensen
10:00 – 15:00
gl. smedje booket - Rundvisningsfrokost
13:30 – 15:00
Rundvisning skolerne i Boserup
🌗 Third Quarter Moon
onsdag 22/01
10:00 – 14:30
gl. smedje booket - rundvisningsfrokost
torsdag 23/01
fisk ret
🇩🇰 Anders Tønning Sørensen
fredag 24/01
lørdag 25/01
08:00 – 14:30
🦊 Rævejagt
søndag 26/01
05 |
mandag 27/01
T Coronae Borealis NOVA Soon...
Hoped for in 2024, looks like this might happen in 2025…
One of the lowest frequencies you will ever perceive in your lifetime is arriving soon. At 36 octaves beneath A0 (the lowest note on a grand piano), you can’t hear this 0.000000000396 Hz frequency. Instead, you will see it as a flash in the night sky.
To prepare for this event, learn how to find the Northern Crown constellation, west of Hercules. In that neighborhood, spinning darkly, is T Coronae Borealis, a binary system normally invisible to us at some 3,000 light years away. But within the next few months in 2025, and for one week only, this system will likely go nova, furiously blazing to light. A star will appear where there was none before. And one week later, it will disappear as suddenly as it appeared, going dark for another 80 years.
This every-80-years blinking light comes to us courtesy of a binary star system comprised of a white dwarf star locked in orbit with a red giant. The hydrogen on the ancient red giant is gradually stripped away by its neighboring cold white dwarf. Once enough hydrogen accumulates on the dwarf, it spontaneously ignites with the force of a thermonuclear explosion we can witness for a full week.
vegy ret og brød
20:00 – 21:30
🧘 Ashtanga Yoga
tirsdag 28/01
onsdag 29/01
Planetary Parade
Between Jan 21 and Feb 21, six of our neighboring planets will appear in the sky together: Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Venus, and Saturn. When a bunch of planets all gather on the same side of the sun like this, we call this fairly rare event a planetary parade.
Tonight’s moonless night is a great time to experience this. In the northern hemisphere, go out as soon as it’s properly dark after sunset.
Uranus and Neptune will be too faint to see without a telescope, but Mars, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn will all be visible to the naked eye.
🇩🇰 Petra Egedal
🌑 New Moon
torsdag 30/01
fredag 31/01