Be part of the community in a period of time

The following general conditions apply if you would like to volunteer at Svanholm. Contact us for specific details or if you have aditional questions. 

  • Volunteers participate in the daily tasks of the Agricultural group, the Building group and the Kitchen group 30 hours a week. You will be assigned to one or more of these groups. Let us know if you have experience in these fields or a special interest in working in a specific group. We prefer volunteers that enjoy practical work and that have some kind of experience with working within the mentioned areas. Also, you must be able to communicate in English. If your English is inadequate, working together is too difficult.
  • Food and lodging is provided. You live with other volonteers and share bath and kitchen. You will have a room of your own, or if that is not possible, a room to share with another volonteer.
  • You take part in the daily life while you are here, including parties and other activities.
  • It is importent that you have a valid health Insurance. You cannot take part in work-related tasks here, if you are not insured against accidents.
  • Please don’t apply if you drink alcohol excessively or do drugs in any amount. And try to quit.

When you apply to become a volunteer, tell us something about yourself. You can help us prioritise among the many applications we recieve by letting us know, for instance, why you would like to visit Svanholm and if you have experience or specific skills that you can use in the Agricultural group, Building group or Kitchen group or other areas.

Write to us a month or two before you would like to come. Becoming a volunteer with short notice is not impossible, we like to plan ahead.

If you have a picture of yourself, bring it with you. We would like to put it on our notice­board with a description of your when you begin your stay here.

Please notice that we do not have volunteers staying with us over Christmas and New Year.

Send your application or your enquiries to:

Visitors/Guest Group
Svanholm Gods 4A
4050 Skibby, Denmark



Svanholm Gods 4A
4050 Skibby

Tlf.: +45 42 14 08 80

Pr og presse: // tlf.: 42 31 15 36

Café med gårdbutik:

Cafébutikken har åbent kl. 10-17:

– Hver lørdag og søndag fra 10. februar til sidste weekend før jul

-Alle skoleferier og forlængede weekender (Vinterferie uge 7 OG 8)

– Hver dag i efterårsferien, uge 42.


Lea 2883 0401

Tommy 2883 3909

RundvisningerHver søndag kl.11 fra første søndag i april til sidste søndag i oktober.  Grupper efter aftale.

Grøntsalg: Alle dage kl. 10-17 fra 1. maj – 1. november.
